Friday, October 20, 2006

"You talking to me?"

The Maritime Museum, Falmouth on 13 October. Venue for a gathering of like-minded souls to discuss writing for business.

Fair to say, it's not an issue that has taxed me overly in years past but I quickly realize that it should have done. Every emanation from your office says something about you. From the message jotted on to the yellow post-it note, to the email inadvertently sent to everyone in your address box, to the dreaded annual report. Every word bears your fingerprints, says something about what you are like
The first speaker, Neil Taylor, stresses two subjects which he considers to be key; clarity and consistency. In a series of slides he shows what works, and rather more amusingly, what does not.

By coincedence, that same evening, as I toil over another assignment, I receive an email from a friend who needs to remain nameless. He sends me a photo of a sign taken at his local hospital which, in eye-watering fashion, makes the very same point. The sign reads:

Family Planning Clinic
Use rear entrance


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